Apa yang dibutuhkan seorang wanita? (Hasil Wawancara !)
Langkah pertama wbw adalah masuk ke situs2 jejaring sosial yg banyak cewek luar negerinya, wbw juga ngajakin mereka chatting.
Nah dari beberapa obrolan saat chatting wbw selalu menyisipkan "pertanyaan2 inti" sm mereka, knapa? karena niat pertama wbw chat sm mereka adlh untuk mncari tau apa sebenarnya yg cewek2 bule itu inginkan dr seorang pria.
Dari hasil interview (hehehe...), mksdnya dari obrolan itu wbw dapetin bbrpa hal penting ttg cewek2 bule, hal ini cukup penting buat kamu yg punya rencana utk PDKT sm cewek2 bule.
Apa sajakah itu?
Berikut wbw cuplikkan hasil obrolannya...
(ada bbrapa kata yg sengaja wbw tulis dg huruf besar, mksdnya utk pnekanan kata)
WBW: what makes you interested in a guy?
WBW: what traits that they have that makes you say wow
BULE GIRL: me? personally?
WBW: yes
BULE GIRL: i like a guy who can make me LAUGH, and is CHARMING.
WBW: ah thank you... im flaterred
WBW: ok, second one is…
BULE GIRL: did i ever say i was talking about you?
WBW: i bet you do... so lets just move on
WBW: second
WBW: what makes a conversation interesting?
can MAKE YOU TALK AND TALK for hours…
BULE GIRL: next?;))
WBW: what to talk about?
WBW: what topic that is interesting for woman?
WBW: give me some idea
BULE GIRL: umm... ANYTHING, really... but for me, AS LONG as it can
make me LAUGH... I LIKE TO LAUGH, even for NO REASON, so... :D :D
WBW: laugh for no reason? :))
WBW: wow... you ARE interesting girl i suppose?
(Perhatikan cara wbw memancing obrolan mereka, ringan mengalir, diselingi canda. Pokoknya buat mereka relaks n enjoy sm obrolan kita aja)
Lihat juga yg berikut ini....
WBW: Whats the most romantic way that attracts woman?
BULE GIRL: what do u mean romantic way?
WBW: the way that just melt woman's heart
WBW: its not the part that you guys are having FUN
WBW: but more of personal bubble
BULE GIRL: well it depends… if I (personally) dont like the guy, nothing he does can melt me..
GIRL: but if i DO like him, a 'hello' would just melt me like THAT.
(Gimana bro...dah mulai paham kan...distu wbw memancing dg prtanyaan2 ttg perasaan mereka, dan liat aja mereka mulai trbuka ttg dirinya)
Jadi, dari situ wbw mulai dapat meraba kira2 apa saja yg wbw butuhkan saat PDKT sm cewek2 Bule itu. Tentunya dengan tetap menjunjung tinggi prinsip "pria smart, asik n menyenangkan", hehehe...
Beberapa POIN penting yang bisa kamu ambil dari interview diatas adalah:
(Baca hasil obrolan ini)
WBW : What makes you interested in a guy?
BULE GIRL : A guy who can make a girl LAUGH, and is CHARMING.
WBW : What makes a conversation interesting?
BULE GIRL : When the conversation HAS NO END, when it LEADS TO ANOTHER TOPIC that can MAKE YOU TALK AND TALK for hours…
WBW : What topic that is interesting for woman?
WBW : Is PHYSICAL LOOKS and MONEY matters to girls?
WBW : So what matters?
BULE GIRL : MOST OF THE GUYS always say such CHEESY WORDS and Really cheesy text messages like those "romantic" messages PIRATED FROM THE INTERNET AND MAGAZINES. That is SO NOT COOL ANYMORE. (This including pickup lines, openers, negs, dhv, etc). Woman likes a guy who is ORIGINAL and Romantic in a funny and cocky kind of way (This means BEING a NATURAL not an “internet scripted cool guy” wanna be)
(Khusus untuk point terakhir diatas, bule itu cenderung dah bosen sm Cowok yg suka-nya cuma sok perhatian, kirim sms atau email yg isinya kata2 romantis dan sjenisnya yg mereka dapatkan dari Internet atau cm skedar forward sms dr tmen. Mereka tu ingin ssuatu yg baru, yg alami dr seorang Pria, gak prlu dbuat2, gtu loh..).
Cobalah untuk membaca cuplikkan pembicaraan ini berulang-ulang, agar benar-benar bisa mendapatkan PENGERTIAN dan MAKNA nya, dan saat kamu mempraktekkannya untuk knalan sm cewek bule pastikan kamu lakukan dg PD.
Jangan takut mereka akan mnertawakanmu. Tnang aja, mereka juga cewek kq, sama kyk cewek indonesia, asal kita bs bkin mereka senang, nyaman, n ktawa, udah deh kamu pst bkal dsukai mereka...
Apa yang dibutuhkan seorang wanita? (Hasil Wawancara !)
Follow @wahyu_winoto
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